Wednesday, 17 October 2012

Where it all begins!

The brief:

Create a promotion package for the release of an album, to include a music promo video, together with two of the following three options:
a website homepage for the band;
a cover for its release as part of a digi-pack (CD/DVD package);
a magazine advertisement for the digi-pack (CD/DVD package).

This blog has been created in order for me to document the process of the advanced portfolio task of my A level course which will demonstrate the progression and different stages that our group will undertake in the construction of our music video. My group consists of Ellie and Teah who I have studied media with for a year.

As a group we have collectively chosen to create a music video as we believed that alongside our skills and personal qualities a music video would be far beneficial to us than a film trailer. In our first lesson we brainstormed ideas for particular songs that we all enjoy and have interest in creating a narrative for and we listened to them as well as watching their videos and realized that we had to narrow our choices down.
Eventually we came to agree on a top five and heavily analysed the lyrics of the songs and thought about how we were going to portray the narrative within the song. This enabled us to realistically pan out concepts, how narratives would fit each song that we want to create a music video for after doing some background research in our independent study.

Stay tuned for more BLOGS!!!

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