Here are a few pictures of Thamesmead which is one of our desired locations for our music video and which is where we want Ellie the narrative character to be filmed because of the concrete jungle look and because we want Ellie to look like she lives in a rough area and is lonely and this setting is perfect because they have loads of bridges which we can potential make look as if she is going to jump of a bridge.
Thursday, 22 November 2012
Sunday, 18 November 2012
Planning: Font & Band logo research
For our pitch we needed to create a band logo and agree on a specific font that we would use throughout the whole of the project, including our ancillary tasks, which would all need to have the same font used throughout so that the viewers would recognize this our interpretation of the Paramore Emergency song.
These are the fonts that we looked at:
After we looked through the fonts on cs6 Photoshop, we realized that we didn't like any of the fonts and they didn't really fit our genre, so we decided to look on a website called We typed in Paramore and Emergency and scanned through different fonts and came across this font:
After a discussion with the rest of the class, we concluded that the best font for our band logo should be the kc fonts: urban jungle and rainy day van, as it ties in well the genre of our music video and because it stands out.
These are the fonts that we looked at:
Friday, 16 November 2012
Planning: Preparing for our pitch Part 2
Background on Paramore- Emergency
Introduction of the song
Emergency is a song by American rock band Paramore. It was released on October 21, 2005. It was released on 7" vinyl in the United Kingdom on August 26, 2006. The song was written by Hayley Williams and Josh Farro. Their record label is Fuled by Ramen and this will also be the record company for our adaptation of the song Emergency.The songs initial meaning is about the fact that love is taken for granted, and how most relationships are in emergency status. It is also about Williams' witnessing her parents' argument and failing marriage as a child. However in our music video we are raising the issue that a young teen is on the verge of killing herself because she feels unloved as she is an orphan, we decided to come up with this because of the lyrics used in the song.
The narrative in our music video is going to be about a girl who wants to commit suicide because she feels like a social outcast everywhere she goes, which is why most of our shots will portray her out on the streets of London alone because she feels so isolated. However, Hayley who is our band singer will help Ellie who is our narrative to not want to commit suicide and she helps her.
Thursday, 15 November 2012
Planning & Development: Band Logo
After researching and trying to find out different fonts for the band logo, we started to edit the logo using the font Urban Jungle that we found on font space and downloaded onto our school computers on the software Adobe Photoshop, so that we could use the font in our ancillary tasks on our group computer. From there, we started to design and alter the logo on Photoshop to make the font stand out. This is our final band logo.
We will all each use a red butterfly in our ancillary tasks that will portray to the idea of the song being an 'Emergency' and the use of the butterfly to show hope. This ties in with our narrative because we want her to feel hope for the future and know that she is not alone and the butterfly symbolizes this and we hope this is recognized by the targeted audience. We decided to come up with this because whilst researching and scouting for ideas of a logo for the band. We saw that various other digi pack covers and in particularly Paramore very rarely have themselves on the front cover, they often have a symbol or an object to take their place. This could be because they want the audience to think of why they would do that, this is why we choose to utilize the butterfly.
Tuesday, 13 November 2012
Research: Scouting for camera shot ideas
The main purpose of music videos are to:
- Promote a single or album
- Promote the artist or band
- Entertain the audience
- Reinforced image of the band/artist.
Codes and conventions
Codes and conventions are ways of constructing meaning within media texts, they are a firm set of rules and way of doing things to abide too when creating media texts. It allows for audiences to clearly identify with a certain genre as they become accustomed to seeing certain things and ensures that the text fits into the genre as well as it could possibly be.
Codes and conventions of music videos
These are the main codes and conventions within the music video:
- Performance: Band/Artist playing
- Narrative: Includes a running story throughout relating to the video
- Mixture: performance and narrative mixed together
- Cameo: Band/Artist appears in the video but doesn't perform
- Animation: Computer created animation is used heavily in the video
Kings of Leon- Use somebody
This music video by Kings Of Leon demonstrates the idea of the band being the narrative. There are a few shots in this music video that I particularly like because of the way they have been shot.
This shot is shown when we first hear the lyrics of the song. We are shown how venerable the character is and this emphasised by the lyrics of the song. I will use a close-up shot like this to show the vulnerability of the character in my narrative.
Beyoncé - Run the world
This close up is good to show the emotion in the narratives face and this is a again another feature that I will include in my music video as I want the audience to see how the narrative is developing throughout the video and to reinforce the fact that she is lost but then finds herself.

Low angle shots I will also include because like how they show the narrative can be seen as weak, fragile and venerable. However in Beyoncé's video she wants to portray an animal association with the fact hat she is on all fours highlighting her dominance in the shot.
Bring Me the Horizon - The Sadness Will Never End
- Promote a single or album
- Promote the artist or band
- Entertain the audience
- Reinforced image of the band/artist.
Codes and conventions
Codes and conventions are ways of constructing meaning within media texts, they are a firm set of rules and way of doing things to abide too when creating media texts. It allows for audiences to clearly identify with a certain genre as they become accustomed to seeing certain things and ensures that the text fits into the genre as well as it could possibly be.
Codes and conventions of music videos
These are the main codes and conventions within the music video:
- Performance: Band/Artist playing
- Narrative: Includes a running story throughout relating to the video
- Mixture: performance and narrative mixed together
- Cameo: Band/Artist appears in the video but doesn't perform
- Animation: Computer created animation is used heavily in the video
Kings of Leon- Use somebody
This music video by Kings Of Leon demonstrates the idea of the band being the narrative. There are a few shots in this music video that I particularly like because of the way they have been shot.

Beyoncé - Run the world
This close up is good to show the emotion in the narratives face and this is a again another feature that I will include in my music video as I want the audience to see how the narrative is developing throughout the video and to reinforce the fact that she is lost but then finds herself.

Low angle shots I will also include because like how they show the narrative can be seen as weak, fragile and venerable. However in Beyoncé's video she wants to portray an animal association with the fact hat she is on all fours highlighting her dominance in the shot.
Bring Me the Horizon - The Sadness Will Never End
There are loads of different kind of fast paced shots in this music video and I will follow the conventions in this video whilst developing and constructing my own because I love the use of jump cuts, long shots, close ups, angle reverse angle shots in this music video because it allows plenty of shots to be utilized and it also makes the audience want to pay attention because the movement is so quick. The shots are consistent and move along with the narrative and the beat line follows along with the cuts and the fades and everything is in perfect timing. This music video is inspirational for the genre that it is for and will also be of help for my group as we can take notes from what this music video provides.
Sunday, 11 November 2012
Planning: Storyboard
The next stage for our group was to create storyboard. This was to help our narrative be projected throughout the particular shots that we would take to present to the audience how the band of Paramore and the narrative (Ellie) were feeling at specific moments. As Emergency is a fairly fast pace beat song we had to storyboard around 50-60 shots, as well as leaving room for plenty more different shots to be added to our storyboard later in the filming stages if necessary As a group we found this process helpful to think about how we are going to construct our music video and different ideas that we could incorporate within our video. Above are an example of 2 shots that will be used in the ending scene o four music video and the the middle shots that will be used in our music video. We also decided to take pictures of us as a group working on our story boards.
Thursday, 8 November 2012
Wednesday, 7 November 2012
Research: Ancillary task
The scans below are of my drafts that I created for the digi-pak which I have chosen as one of my ancillary tasks. The drafts include a front cover, a back cover an inside slip and a CD cover.
- Band
- Song
- Image of the band
- Images of the music video or performance
- Barcode
- Copy Right
- Rating
- Credits
- Special features
In order to achieve these conventions I will have to look and refer to existing products out their to make my digipack as though it was a real exisiting product. I will use the Adobe Photoshop to form my front cover for my digipack as that is the better software for images and alter my texts on Indesign.
Before I started to make my DVD digi-pak I researched some existing examples, through doing this I identified some of the conventions that normally consist of:
- Song
- Image of the band
- Images of the music video or performance
- Barcode
- Copy Right
- Rating
- Credits
- Special features
In order to achieve these conventions I will have to look and refer to existing products out their to make my digipack as though it was a real exisiting product. I will use the Adobe Photoshop to form my front cover for my digipack as that is the better software for images and alter my texts on Indesign.
Tuesday, 6 November 2012
Research: Paramore- The Band!
We decided to do some research on Paramore as the band so that I could get an idea of their characters and the roles that they play because I wanted to project my band in a similar way. Throughout researching Paramore as a band, it has become apparent to me that they are a quirky and fun band with lots of character as you can see in the below magazine advertisement for Billboard. In our photography shoot, we hope to bring character and an essence of fun into the photos to engage our audience.
Below is the magazine edition of Kerrang magazine. As you can see Hayley is mainly the charcater at the front which is because she is the only girl and she is the main singer, this will be incorporated in my music magazine for Paramore so that the audience will know that our lead singer is the main focus. This advertisement uses elements of the gaze theory as attractive lead singer Hayley Williams dominates the page with strong eye contact with the reader enticing them to look further.
This is Paramore's digi-pak for their album 'brand new eyes' which included their band logo which is a common code and convention of magazine advertisments. In this advertisement, they have slightly subverted a common code and convention as normally advertisements feature photography of the band to instantly be recognisable to their audience. However, they have chosen to use a pitcure of a butterfly. Looking at this advertisement, it's simplistic yet effective by using plain text and a simple nude background colour with plain black text. This style of digi-pak would be a considered way of creating my ancillary task.
Saturday, 3 November 2012
Planning: Our song!
This is Paramores official video for the song we have chosen to do; Emergency. We have looked at this video a number of times to gain inspiration and to fully understand their take on the song, we shall continue to refer back to this video throughout the process of making our own music video to this song.
Friday, 2 November 2012
Planning: Production schedule
Production schedule 1
In order to create a music video to the best of our groups abilities we decided to create a production schedule to abide to, this will ensure that we are on schedule with all of our tasks which is especially vital when working in a group. To begin with we made a production schedule at the start of the project, however we decided to update the schedule to fit the needs of the project and extend the time we had on each task.
Production Schedule 2
Updating the production schedule allowed us clearly identify what was needed to be done inorder to complete the task efficently. However, working around a clear dealine will give all group members and indication on whether or not we are on target for our production deadline in March.
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